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Organizational Leadership for Higher Education Administration

A strong organizational culture begins at the top. That is true of any successful business or team, and the field of higher education is no different. Effective organizational leadership practices in the higher education space are key to a university or college’s ability to achieve long-term success.

For higher education professionals looking to deepen their understanding of both the theory and practice of organizational leadership, The University of New Orleans (UNO) offers a comprehensive online Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Higher Education Administration program that helps students improve their expertise in multiple areas of educational leadership. Graduates gain a deeper understanding of how organizational leadership functions in a higher education context, as well as specific knowledge about models of administration and governance, management principles, the historical roots and philosophical assumptions behind higher education, and much more.

What Is Organizational Leadership?

The first step to understanding organizational leadership is to recognize the importance of organizational culture. Leadership and culture work hand-in-hand, with leaders playing a key role in establishing a positive and productive organizational culture. According to Indeed: “Organizational culture and leadership is a set of values that defines a company and how the company’s leadership exemplifies and reinforces those values. It defines the behaviors and actions the company expects employees to take to create a positive environment while helping the business succeed.”

Effective leadership is crucial because an organization’s leader must clearly communicate its mission, goals and core values to employees, according to Indeed. It is up to the leaders to define, teach and foster the kind of culture they want to see.

Organizational Leadership in Higher Education

While organizational leadership is often discussed in a business context, the concept transcends any one field. As The Change Leader puts it: “Leadership is leadership.” That said, becoming an effective leader within a college or university requires specific applications of leadership traits and skills.

For example, organizational leaders in higher education should know how to communicate with diverse constituencies on their campuses, including students, faculty and a university’s board. “It is important to learn the language of each constituency in order to bring together people who think very differently,” according to The Change Leader.

UNO’s online M.Ed. in Higher Education Administration program curriculum also provides leaders with specific tools and concepts to apply in higher education. Contemporary campuses are more diverse than ever, and graduates gain an appreciation for the necessity of making schools inclusive and equitable. Courses like Organization and Leadership in Higher Education help leaders understand the complexities of university governance and administration.

Organizational Leaders Set the Example in Higher Education

Like any organization, an institution of higher education will only thrive if employees believe in its mission and values. As Kate Vitasek writes in Forbes, organizational leaders need to embody these values more than anyone: “Team members will catch on quickly if their leaders’ actions don’t align with the stated vision. Being true to the vision and goals and serving as a positive and uplifting influence is essential for creating buy-in and stimulating improvement across the organization.”

That said, organizational leaders in higher education need not be perfect. They are, after all, setting an example in institutions of learning: Their leadership can serve as a model of humility and a willingness to grow for faculty and students alike. According to Vitasek, the best leaders are open-minded and willing to hear input from others.

There is no single path to becoming an ideal leader in higher education. However, for those interested in learning how to cultivate a stronger organizational culture, UNO’s online M.Ed. in Higher Education Administration program is an ideal choice.

Learn more about UNO’s online M.Ed. in Higher Education Administration.

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